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Hotel and Resort Guest Room Evacuation Maps

Hotel Emergency Exit Map

Evacuation route maps for the hospitality industry. Professionally designed, fire emergency plans & exit maps guide hotel guests to safety, fast, easy & quick. PDF maps on a budget available to acrylic wall holder maps. Orientated for a safe and easy exit. Fire code requirements, stairwell, alarms, exits, labeled in diagrams. Working from your floor plans we design custom maps that suit all your needs, using elements from the room’s interior to create a unique one of a kind design. Choose from over 50 designs to start the first stage, altering colors, type fonts, graphics, architectural styles. Our team focuses on details and safety issue requirements so you will get the highest quality and up to date maps available today, with a quick turn-a-round.

Vital Information

Each resort evacuation plan is oriented to the correct direction for guestd to evacuate. Adjacent hotel guest room map will be turned around so that they can evacuate in the same direction in a safe and secure manner. A ledger will accompany each evacuation route map for easy identification of fire extinguishers, alarm pulls, exit signs, direction to the stairs, and a dotted line pathway to the nearest exit. If you require state and health safety codes or innkeepers notice we can add that information to the evacuation plan as well, without compromising the Integrity or design. When a client owns several properties in various states, they need customized maps that follow the branding of their establishment, that service, we can provide. If you require maximum room rate information and specific level of theft liability for the state we can provide that information as well. The legal details can be easy to miss if your hotel is using an inferior default map without any color or character.

Design Stages: We will submit to you, a business proposal, for your review, and require a 20% deposit to begin all projects. Working from your current floor plans, or pencil sketches, we will design up to five evacuation map designs. First you choose a couple designs from our website, in our Gallery Section. This way our design team will have a starting point as to the style that you are looking for. Your maps will have your companies branding colors, type, images, logos and wording. All maps are unique, and no hotel will have the same look. We next fine tune the final design for your complete satisfaction. After you have approved the design, we will e-mail you each floor and/or wing of your property for your final “sign-off”. Your maps can have your States Health & Safety code added to each map at no charge.

Option 1: Each Final Room Map, in PDF format, e-mailed (or sent on a thumb drive) to your property.
$18. each • No Shipping Cost

Option 2: Each Final Room Map printed on card stock and sent to your property.
$22. • Shipping add $1.00 per map

Option 3: Each Final Room Map inserted into 8.5” x 11” scratch-proof” acrylic wall holders with heavy duty adhesive foam strips. Shipping cost separate.
$27. • Shipping add $1.00 per map

Option 4: Each Final Room Map designs, reversed direct printed onto 8.5” x 11” clear 1/8” acrylic with edges polished, and an additional white backing printing added for opacity. These maps are “air tight” and are our highest quality we can provide. These maps are drop shipped to your property. Shipping is charged separately.
$45. • Shipping add $1.00 per map

Accurate & Attractive Maps

Our most popular map size is 8.5″ x 11″, which are inserted into acrylic wall holders. Maps can also be emailed in a PDF format if your project is on a budget. The price per map is $24. plus shipping for acrylic maps/holders, $15-$17. for printed maps and as low as $8-$13. for PDFs depending on the size of property.

While innkeepers’ laws may vary from state to state, the design aesthetic of each hotel property may vary as well. The evacuation maps you purchase for your specific property should match the overall feel of the property and the surrounding community. When you consider the time and money spent developing your hotel’s interior design, it just makes sense to purchase resort evacuation maps that were created with that design theme in mind.

Contact Us Today

For customized hotel emergency exit maps that matches the unique aspects of your property.
We proudly serve customers and clients from across the nation.

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